Which class should I do?

Check  out the Workshop flow chart below.


Draw Happy  is a mini-workshop specifically for people who say ” I can’t Draw” .

Supplies Me has enough juice for all levels of arty experience with a myriad of drawing and mixed media techniques.

Beautiful Faces: brings my book to life!

Express Yourself is about drawing and painting emotions.

I Heart Drawing takes you further on your journey and I give you my secret techniques on how to draw figures from your imagination!

JOYnal is a little bit of magic as we create mermaids, fairies and unicorns!

Frolicaholic is about my style of Art Journaling and how that can befriend the inner critic

Mermaid Circus is suitable for all levels, but the more creatively confident you are, the more you will get out off the class!

You have to start somewhere, right?

It may as well be now!

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